Tuesday, 22 March 2011

LogJam 2011 March!

... Logging the bandwagon.
Download your .mp3 Time Capsule NOW!

Or save the planet and just play it here----v
Logjam March 2011 by Logjam


- Footballer kicks owl

- Boy pets alligator

- Woman eats ice cream

- Rockstar buys lots of dogs

- Dwarf prevented from cleaning up

- College students in front row of lecture advised to wear disposable ponchos

- Liam Loves Rastamouse 
...and if you've not watched it before, here's why!

Mat couldn't resist wheeling up this mash up.. even if the beats are bang out of time!

 - and finally, tragic owl news...

March - Mop up!
Download your .mp3 Time Capsule NOW!

Or save the planet and just play it here----v

- Evil dentist farts in the face of bad breath

- Woman snacks on boyfriends nuts

- Sad man persecuted for small music collection

- Congress woman's road to recovery is said to be vibrant!

- Horse excited by Fassbender

We are monumentally excited by:
You gotta go there and get your SFW thrills!!

This was one of the teams favourites...

Plus! OMG a special mothers day MILF edition!!?

you gotta go there!

Finally our trusty favourite

Came to our rescue with the 'Official Logjam Happy Place!'

Go visit Andrew.. and show him you are grateful! NOW!

Have fun.. coz frig me! it's April already!!!