Friday, 18 July 2008

Viral Video Chart - Sneezed 18th July 2008
Eating, Drinking, Geek Fury and Spanish for more...

“for clarity’s sake”

You’ve got to hand it to Fox. When upstanding pillar of the community Rev. Jessie Jackson unleashes torrid lashings of hate - laced with a gasp inducing three letter word - upon the presidential candidate he is supporting (all be it from a distance) - and expresses deep held desires to brutally dismember key parts of his sexual equipment… ok there was some whispering and sheepish sideways glances.. We can at least be grateful for their ongoing wisdom and sensitivity. Like that of a television station run by buddhist monks they had the good grace to bleep and censor the most vile and traumatic phase of the ordeal - the word… ‘nuts.’

If you ask me it’s no major eye opener that Rev. JJ’s faith isn’t wholly compatible with the Democratic candidate’s. Obama is a Muslim after all, isn’t he? Fox? not so much clarity on that one.. meanwhile, somewhere in a padded room far far away the game geeks are upset again - cue mildly autistic ff13 nut. He talks like Ming the merciless, he’s got the maniacal tones, hand gestures and huge wine glass full of milk down to a T. The only downside is our villan neglects to scream anything about all the PS3s being, ‘Mine, mine miiinnne!’ and then laughing like a possessed child whilst the room becomes strangely echoey… no, this is the classic, camp sci-fi bad dude, complimented by refreshingly modern strategy. His demands are authentic in construction, “YOU WILL SUBMIT TO THE GAMER’S WILL.” But his threats? well he’s going to blow something up surely? no. he’s going to hack into the manufacturer’s mainframe and wreak stupefying havoc? no. What’s he going to do? he’s going to start… a petition. That’s what.

In other news, Feist joins the cast of Sesame Street, some models do a worse job of walking than a pickled football ref. and Google launch a new app that allows people to virtually kick each other and do ‘dead funny’ stuff in each-other’s ‘rooms’ whilst talking online. Sit on the table.. try and knock things over, do the obligatory sex simulations then get bored and go back to IM again..

Happy weekend.