Back in the day... (I'm nearly 30 now) mixtapes were the bread and butter of most hiphop kids music collection.. Notably Funk Master Flex's 60 minutes of Funk series.. badly copied onto a C90, tons of rappers cut together over old school beats and then an awkward half hour of 'should I put the first half on again?' Or.. Put some other tunes on and create a less good mixtape at the end? Anyway whilst he's still big in the radio world playing heavy hit after heavy hit and serving as an Arthur Scargill type for record label interns (recently going so far as to boycott Interscope on his HOT 97 show) Funk is now also another Jeremy Clarkson of rap.. This is to say that although Funk Master Flex is not making mix tapes as much, tons of others are and it's as strong as ever.. [See mixtapetorrent - mixtapepass - etc]

I'll link to mixtapes I'm feeling as I find them...
To kick off here's Asher Roth's Greenhouse Effect one year on. The exec producer list is like a who's who of mainstream rap.. A marketing ploy that's worked on me as while the mixtape is free the album: Asleep in the Bread Isle is available in shops now...